Layers and Pop-Ups and Web Scenes

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Visually presenting and sorting subsets of the building model collection is a necessary aspect of most city model applications. The citySchema Model Management workspace provides a style palette for coloring models according to status that provides a familiar, intuitive legend for quickly understanding the status of building models. This pallette is used for every visualization of building models on all platforms.

Because ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS on-line do not have a means of eliminating un-used classes from legends, it has been necessary to create variations of the master template layer to produce web-scenes with streamlined feature selections and legends that do not contain lots of distracting un-used status classes. Pop-Ups are another aspect of styling that requires simplification. Currently, there seems to be a lot of room for improvement in the way that ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS OnLine's simple web scene builder handle custom pop-ups (as far as I can tell). I expect that (hopefully) some of the headaches with styling pop-ups that are portrayed in this workflow, will be obsolete before too long.

Workflow and Resources for Selecting, Styling and Publishing AGOL Feature Layers

It is probably best to have the tool: 6a2. Publish Public Scene Layers and the related task open when reading this documentation.

The essential workflow boils down to this:

In ArcGIS Pro

  1. Copy features and suppress the auto-update fields, which are incompatible with the publish scene layer tool.
  2. Apply feature styling and pop-ups from a template layer file saved previously in ArcDocs/Layers.
  3. Publish the scene layers to the the user's chosen staging folder on ArcGIS On-Line

In ArcGIS On-line

  1. Replace the currently published scene layers in a AGOL "folder" dedicated for the live scene layers for the public web scene.
  2. Check the layer behavior and pop-up content.

Customizing Popup and Layer Styling

Quick notes and links to be filled in later:

  • Examine the layer ArcGIS On-Line Public Layers/Bos3d_Existing
  • Note how the multipatch styling comes from the saved Bos3d_Status style-set. Read about Styles
  • Right-click and choose Configure Pop-Up
  • The most effective way to style pop-ups with hyperlinks that are based on attribute values, as we do in our demo requires you to edit the pop-up template in HTML mode.
  • Read more about Configure Pop-Ups

This mechanism for styling pop-ups is clunky. But reliable.

Saving and Re-Using Layers wth various styling and Pop-Up Options

All styling and pop-up customizations are saved with a layer when you right-click and choose Save as Layer File on a layer.

These options can be applied to a layer using the Apply Symbology from Layer